Saturday, November 24, 2007

That ain't no turkey!

Look closer. That is a delicacy in this neck of the woods; pig's head. Now, I've heard tale that people eat everything including the 'oink', but being a vegetarian, this was a sight I could have lived without.
No, this was not our Thanksgiving dinner. This was Jenna's 20th birthday dinner, a great celebratory feast prepared by Nosipho, Mqokeleli's wife. You bet Jenna ate some! Saying 'no thank you' is not an option!

I think I appointment, yeah, that's it, an appointment on my birthday. Sorry I won't be able to make the other white meat shindig.


Unknown said...


Laura Taylor said...

hahahaha.........the meat was so tender one gal just pulled the snout right off the face and started 'pigging out'.

Unknown said...

ooooh, getting "porking out" on thanksgiving. hahaha I barely like turkey, let alone PIG!

Jenna Moorea Schuette said...

yum. happy birthday to me. that's one for the memories...

Rebecca said...

That totally looks like someones mangled foot soaking in a pail. Same difference in taste I'll bet. I would try it if it was prepared good, but I can just imagine how it was cooked.

Tom Winter said...

Hey Laura...remember this tune? "Do the piggy jig, do the piggy jig--yeah, yeah! Do the piggy jig, be a piggy all day." (Ty had a way with the lyrics, didn't he?)

Maybe you can bust out with that the next time it's someone's birthday (and conveniently...exit, stage right as you sing when the birthday pig arrives).

Love you!

Laura Taylor said...

I TOTALLY remember the piggy jig! Hahahahahaha! Wow...that was a stinking long time ago! What fun!

Hey Mel, how's the baby? And the hubby? Love you!

Cheryl Birmingham said...

Hey! This looks like something my mom would cook up for us at dinner when I was growing up. I would feel right at home with you guys! However, this picture does give a new meaning to "this little piggy went to the market..."