Hey CrossWinds! You guys rock! Holiday Clubs totaling over 700 kids, hosting and running the women's retreat, helping out at the TB/HIV Hospital, loading up water bottles on the truck, repairing all of the MCM chairs, moving the Taylor's into their new home, worshipping at 2 indigenous churches and countless hours spent encouraging me and making me laugh...ahh ...American humor and wit, how I've missed you. :) I love you all! You can all come back anytime!
Hey, how do you like your new home? Do you get to stay there for the whole time you're in Africa? Do you get to unpack?
My new home is a blessing. Wonderful, quirky and in the center of activity (there is a technical college a block away so loads of students walk by at all hours, plus we're close to the river, the natural 'dividing line' of coloreds and whites. I originally wanted to live in the colored community but was informed by whites and coloreds that I really need to be 'invited' to live there. Understandable. Plus it wouldn't be safe and I have the boys to consider...maybe in a few years.) I have unpacked...and painted, you know me, nothing a good can of paint can't fix. :) We signed a one year lease...hoping we can stay here longer...but Jehovah knows.
Hi Laura!
Great to see the pics from the CrossWinds Team visit!! I saw Emily at church yesterday and was honored to get a hug from "you" through her! She said you'd be home in November! Yay! How about a long cup of coffee at Starbucks?!! :)
Love your blog site! Keep them long and informative!! They're great that way! :)
We miss you around here!!
God is doing amazing things through you and the boys, and all those who visit you there...that's easy to see from the stories and pics you share!!
Enjoy your new home! Monkey or no monkey! HA
Love, Diane
Hi Laura,
So glad you're in your new home. Got your hug from James. How is your place? So glad to see Crosswinds and Coastline there. More later I'm working I'll send email soon with many updates. In my prayers. vs
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