Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sontraal fun

Thanks Crosswinds church for the craft supplies that you left with us. They truly are the gift that keeps on giving! I've also done a cotton ball/lamb sheet with the little ones there. :) The women at Sonstraal continue to stream in and out of the Hospital. I've been blessed to add Nthombienkosi, a Xhosa friend from my South Africa WOW group, to my Thursday visits. So now we have all three languages represented which has been a blessing as we pray together and minister to the women's emotional needs.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the blog updates Laura. Visiting the women and children of Sonstraal was very sobering and humbling. Thanks for bringing joy to these women by sharing the unconditional love of God and handicrafts. Who knew God ministers through yarn, glue and popsicle sticks??!!

Laura Taylor said...

No kidding...the sad art was- I had to wrap and rewrap about 4 times before I could figure out how to make a 'God's Eye' do those kindergartner's do it?

Anonymous said...

Did you see my God's Eye at the Holiday Clubs?? I had no idea how to make them yet somehow the children thought yarn in a big ball in the middle of two popsicle sticks was fabulous!