Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Am I in a city?

Third World Country? Developing Country? First world? Honestly, every person you talk to will give you a different answer. Along with India and Brazil, South Africa tops the records for the greatest disparity between the rich and the poor. Along the coast, first world. a few miles away, grossly impoverished squatter camps. We have the pleasure (?) of experiencing this cultural whiplash every day in the Paarl Valley. The cows in front of my car were blocking the road as I was leaving our black township, Mbekweni. They take their sweet time...just like the people and everything else in this country.


tylyn said...

we have this problem in dublin all the time.

Laura Taylor said...

Ha! Maybe Dublin Ireland!

Anonymous said...

Too bad you're a vegetarian.

Laura Taylor said...

That was exactly what I was thinking at that moment. NOT! I was actually thinking- "THIS is why everyone in Africa is late everywhere they go...this and they have no watches, no cars, no worries..."