Saturday, June 6, 2009

my friend's abode

One of my closest friends here, Cathy, lives in one of the government flats here. It is about 500 square feet, one bedroom, a living room and a small kitchen w/ a toilet. There are 11 people living in overcrowded conditions: normal for Paarl East. No hot water and electricity only a week or two out of the month. YET, Cathy is one of the greatest servants that I know. She has two HIV positive foster children, her invalid bed-ridden mother in law, her alcoholic mother and her own children that she provides for and takes care of, PKUS she volunteers at Sonstraal TB Hospital with me once a week and care-takes 7 families whose parents are HIV positive and very ill. In my book, this is what Jesus looks like. He looks like Cathy. She never complains, never asks for anything and rarely has a tired expression. I am amazed at this woman. She is my hero.

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