Friday, May 9, 2008

Sam and his posse....

Friendship comes in all shapes, sizes and ages...

A week ago we had a bunch of kids jump into the back of the bakkie after church and join us at the house for lunch and some crafting. (Shash and Linda- do those wands look familiar? Thanks for the supplies!) I love these girls and they love to be loved!

Sam teaches drums

Cheslin and Huston, both from Lighthouse family church in Paarl East, came by last Sunday to hang out for a while. Sam gave a few basic drum lessons and they watched a SpongeBob DVD. Simple pleasures.

Joe and his constant companions: mentors, Lubablo and Jesse

Joe put in some hours working at the coffee shop today. He really enjoyed himself and working alongside Khanya was a kick in the pants. So between Bass guitar, english class, poetry, ‘Rock Band’ and ministry goings ons- he’s a happy, busy boy. He, Luba and Jesse spend plenty of time together and delight in torturing Jenna over the internet and eating spicy chicken.