Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blessed Efforts!

Coastline Community Church- check out the garden that you cleared the weeds, rocks, boulders, tree stumps and garbage out of in 110 degree weather (+ humidity). Your labor was not in vain! The community have planted a garden and the vegetables are coming up like crazy! Come back any time, guys...there are few who have worked as diligently as you all did!


Unknown said...

hey La, that garden is beautiful. I think it is incredible how you all are getting so very much accomplshed. Not just for the moment, but for life.

Laura Taylor said...

Hey- Sonstraal community did all of the planting! They are quite a unique group. The leader, Sidwell, is a convert from Rastafarianism...we suspected at first that might be daja they're growing. :)