Friday, November 9, 2007

A New Pet For Travis

Travis, look what you're getting for Christmas! I'll send him (or her...couldn't quite tell) back with Marsha Harmon (Shashi) who's coming to visit us for Christmas!


John Buffini said...

Thanks for the TRAUMA!! Ty and I were never "at our best" around Arachnid's. Islands of rememberance... ratty assed 'furry' black and white couch ALIVE with the eight legged widows...

Laura Taylor said...

the couch.....ahh yes....those were the 'interesting' days...

Jana B. said...

Charlotte? Is that you,Charlotte?

valere said...

whose hand is that and what kind of spider is that? poisonous? My girls have just decided Africa is not for them, go figure? They can't handle Daddy long legs.

Laura Taylor said... a matter of fact it is Charlotte....only what was coming out of her was not polite so we sucked it up with the vacuum.

Val- tell the girls that's my hand! You know me...I love bugs! Although when I felt something crawling in my jeans last night up to my thigh and so I slapped it and a big cockroach fell to the ground....not lovin' that!

Unknown said...

Hey La
I had a vinegaroon crawl out of my jeans the other day. GROSSSSSS. It is taking me forever to get over that one!

Laura Taylor said...

Lee- I know you love bugs too...NOT!!!!

Jana B. said...

I am learning so much from this blog. I just looked up, "vinegarroon n. A large nonvenomous scorpionlike arachnid,... that gives off a strong vinegary odor when disturbed."

So Lisa, the trick is not to disturb them.

Unknown said...

Jana, I promise not to disturb the vinageroon's, as long as they wear their own pants!

Laura Taylor said...

hahahaha.....they're NON- VENOMOUS!!!! Get over yourself! I dare you to turn one into a Christmas ornament.

Unknown said...

only an insane person would do that. hehehe

Rebecca said...

O.K. i can't handle the whole arachnid thing, but when i got down to the cockroach up the leg and that vinagroon thing... I'm freakin.

Jana B. said...

Lisa, you make a vinegarroon ornament, Laura, you make a cockroach ornament. we'll have a contest and call it, "America's Next Top Creepy Ornament".

Jana B. said...

Aw shoot! That name's not gonna work. It's got to be something international.

Unknown said...

ooooh a new reality show. i think it stinks that vinegaroons travel in pairs... it wouldn't be so bad if I only had one leg. HAHAHHAHAHAH

Jana B. said...

Lisa, the vinegarroons do travel in pairs; pairs of pants, preferably yours.

Laura Taylor said...

Lisa and Jana- get a room!

Jana B. said...

Later Lisa.....So, La, a big cockroach fell from your jeans. That must have been VERRRRY creepy!

Laura Taylor said...

Well, it fell from my jeans because I slapped my thigh and crushed it under my jeans. Really more gross than creepy.

Jana B. said...

I had a spider crawl in my mouth while I was sleeping. I kept dreaming about choking on something and then I realized I had spent about 10 minutes trying to swallow a spider in my sleep. (The spider apparently did not want to be swallowed.) What would you say, gross or creepy?

Laura Taylor said...

I would say you must be a very deep sleeper. That is disgusting. I wish I could hear it from the spider's POV!

Jana B. said...

Poor thing. All he wanted to do was explore the cave with the red thingy hanging down from it.

Laura Taylor said...

hahahaha! You're just bazaar. Yesterday at a Zambia Outreach meeting we were asked the question: What is your phobia? Mine- obviously dying of suffocation when you can't get your t-shirt off your head fast enough. Sam's - flying insects! Moths especially. Can't even look at photos of them.
Joe's- nothing irrational. Just normal fears of things we should have healthy respect for; spiders, snakes, the dark, etc.

How about you?

Jana B. said...

I'm pretty comfortable with all critters, unless they appear unexpectedly on my face or down my throat, but I have a phobic reaction to the idea of suffocation. (Ever since I had an MRI.)

Every so often I'll pitch the Good Lord on having me die by be-heading rather than being suffocated. You should be a fly on the wall while THAT prayer is being shot up.

Jana B. said...

Yea, but think how delighted I'll be if I'm expecting a be-heading, but end up going peacefully in my sleep.

Unknown said...

well, after reading all those notes about phobias, I guess my phobia of the good year blimp seem much more normal to you all now.

Jana B. said...

Nope, Lisa.

Rebecca said...

NO WAY!!!!No way did you say you swallowed a spider! At first I had to check if I posted that, and I had to stop twice, cause i could not get through it. I had a wolf spider crawl into my mouth while I was sleeping when I was a teenager, only i woke up and spit it out FAST! Then, there I was at 3:00 in the morning tearing my room apart till I found it. Have you ever seen a wolf spider? Harry and big (not as big as Lauras pet, though).
Thats my phobia.

Jana B. said...

Yes, Rebecca, I DID say I swallowed a spider and I'd like to never do it again. I don't think mine was hairy, though.

I don't know if I've ever seen a wolf spider. Do they hang out in the Midwest? I've seen a great big yellow and black one, but it didn't look wolf-like. It was probably a giant bumblebee spider.

Cheryl Birmingham said...

Are you sure that's not just a "spaghetti" noodle that you threw against the wall to see if it was cooked? And the big blobby part is just a bunch of spaghetti that stuck together during the cooking process? Yeah, that's what it is...spaghetti noodles. Denial is a GOOD thing at times.

Jana B. said...

Cheryl, will you help me out? Every time I look in the mirror I see more and more wrinkles. But then again, I might be mistaken. What else do you think they might be?

Jana B. said...

Hey La,

How do you know when someone has posted comments to your older pictures? Like this one. Just curious.